Flow elements control how readers move through your story. While you were introduced to choices in the quickstart guide, let's dive deeper into how they work and introduce another useful navigation tool: the go-to block.
Choice blocks are the heart of interactive storytelling, allowing readers to make decisions that affect their journey.
The easiest way to create choices is through the story diagram:
Different choices can lead readers to the same destination page while still providing unique experiences. By combining variables with conditionals, you can create branching paths that eventually converge, showing different content based on how the reader got there.
While choice blocks create branching paths, sometimes you need direct navigation to specific pages. That's where go-to blocks come in.
Go-to blocks create a "Next" button that leads to any page in your story. They're particularly useful for:
Choice Clarity: Make sure your choice labels clearly convey the decision being made.
Meaningful Branches: When multiple choices lead to the same page, use variables and conditionals to make each path feel distinct.
Flow Control: Every page should either have: